Open Eco

Heating systems and heat pumps

Heat Pumps

Why are heat pumps the most commonly chosen method of home heating?

Skuteczność i efektywność grzewcza

Heating effectiveness and efficiency

100% bezpieczeństwo domowników

100% safety of household members

Przyjazne dla środowiska

Environmentally friendly

OPEN ECO - A recommended company for heat pump installations

Kraków i okolice

and surrounding areas


of experience


Attractive prices


Thermal enclosures


Solid construction


with renowned


How does a heat pump work?

Heat pumps, like any heating device, are designed to heat a building and often also to provide hot water. Unlike boilers fueled by fossil fuels, the energy for heating is obtained from a renewable source. This can be, for example, atmospheric air, ground, or water. The absorbed heat is transferred to the heating system in the building.

How is it possible that energy is transferred from a lower-temperature medium to a higher-temperature medium? It's all thanks to the compressor, which forces the refrigerant to flow inside the heat pump system. Circulating cyclically between the components of the device, the refrigerant mediates the heat exchange between the heat source (called the lower source) and the building. To allow this process to occur, it is necessary to supply electrical energy to power the compressor.

One of the most popular solutions on the market are air source heat pumps, which use atmospheric air as the heat source. The heat pump absorbs it through the unit installed outside the building and then transfers it to the indoor installation. Such positioning of the device makes air source heat pumps the easiest and often the cheapest solution to install.

Air is the most readily available and unlimited source of heat. Fans force air flow through the heat exchanger, allowing sufficient heat transfer even to buildings with larger volumes. However, it's important to remember that atmospheric air temperatures change throughout the year, so the selection of the device must be preceded by proper calculations of the heat demand. A properly selected device will be able to operate even in extreme winter conditions.

Schematic of a heat pump operation

Schemat działania pompy ciepła